About Us

The investment climate has never been more exciting or more challenging than it is today. I believe that professional advice is essential in managing your wealth now and for the future.

To take advantage of all available opportunities, investors should consider two things: an understanding of which investment products are most appropriate for their situation and a relationship or partnership with a trustworthy representative who has integrity and clear understanding of their needs. There is no one single “Financial Blueprint” that fits everyone. Each of us have our own special needs, objectives and risk tolerances.

Thus keeping clients’ objectives in focus, staying in contact with them throughout all market conditions and making investment adjustments as economic or life style conditions warrant, I maintain a constant commitment to providing service for each client’s individual needs.

Our Financial services include portfolio management using conventional asset allocation and diversification, combined with the use of Alternative Investments to help lower volatility.

Analyzing current Life, Health, Disability and LTC policies, as well as your 401k’s, IRA’s, Roth’s & Pension Plans enable us to assist in planning & developing strategies that will help you pursue future financial goals. Establishing priorities on the distribution of Qualified assets to meet the clients needs, Federal requirements and maximize growth potential while minimizing tax liability.

As a full-service financial consultant, I offer clients an assortment of quality, non-proprietary investment choices. LPL Financial has several fee based investment platforms that I employ.

If you would like any further information about these topics, or other areas of investing, please don’t hesitate to contact me, by phone or e-mail. I can help you make sense of today’s investment climate.

Email Mr. Brandalise at ronald.brandalise@lpl.com

Asset allocation does not ensure a profit or protect against a loss. There is no guarantee that a diversified portfolio will enhance overall returns or outperform a non-diversified portfolio. Diversification does not protect against market risk. Alternative investments may not be suitable for all investors and should be considered as an investment for the risk capital portion of the investor’s portfolio. The strategies employed in the management of alternative investments may accelerate the velocity of potential losses.